
Being Alive is Inconvenient.

God, being a teenage girl is a hassle. First there's all the problems that you are allowed to talk about, like a zit before the prom, the catastrophic effects of pleated pants on your figure, and whether or not you have enough colour co-ordinated beauty products and accessories strewn casually yet evenly spaced around polished white tables in your bedroom. (I'm curious to know if she's thought twice about her hairstyle). Then there's the problem that comes every month - the one you "don't talk about". How embarassment.  According to this ad, being a teenage girl is much less of a hassle with Tampax.  You can even place the box of tampons right on your dressing table, for everyone to see! Tampax are just another, colour co-ordinated accessory. Like lipstick, funky eyeshadow, or powder for those unsightly blemishes, Tampax is what teenage girls need to be beautiful. 

Tampax knows what it's like to be a teenage girl, and that's why teenage girls should buy their products. Tampax understands (and casually enforces) that it's taboo to talk about menstruation, by blatantly saying that it is. They also know that if people stay embarassed about menstruation, they'll continue to repetitively purchase disposable feminine hygiene products without considering or bothering to find out about other options.

And then there's hygiene. Tampax tampons are so hygienic, that well regarded celebrity Naomi Watts can wear a sterile white bathrobe and towel on her head while she talks about them!  We believe they're hygienic, because Naomi Watts obviously has such serious OCD that she can't even go the length of a 30 second commercial without having a shower, and she certainly thinks they're alright. 

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